Bai Shui Chao
Telephones: 13962423309
Mark Yen
Telephones: 17312472090
Add: No.218 South Yucheng Road Kunshan City Jiangsu Province China.
The basic parameters of injection moulding machine are the performance index of injection moulding machine. It is the product of the size and quality of the products processed by plastic moulding, and other important evalsuation indexes and evalsuations are the basis of the design and manufacture of the products, the selection and use of injection moulding machines, as well as the basic research and the development of injection moulding machines. In the specifications of injection moulding machine, in addition to machine code, it is usually one or more of the following basic parameters, generally the injection volume and injection pressure. Injection volume refers to the maximum injection volume that can be achieved by the injection moulding device when the injection screw or plunger is used for the maximum injection stroke under the condition of air injection. To some extent, this parameter reflects the processing ability of the injection moulding machine, marks the maximum quality of plastic products that can be formed by the injection moulding machine, and is an important parameter of the injection moulding machine.