Bai Shui Chao
Telephones: 13962423309
Mark Yen
Telephones: 17312472090
Add: No.218 South Yucheng Road Kunshan City Jiangsu Province China.
For the injection processing industry, each round of development will encounter many new problems. This years problem is partly due to rising prices. The reasons for the rising cost of injection moulding are briefly described below. 1. Increased lab
The production of plastic mold products is first based on the development and design of plastic moulds. The accuracy directly affects the structural integrity and dimensional accuracy of plastic products. All kinds of plastic products are designed a
Plastic injection mold is basically divided into static mold and dynamic mold. The injection head in the injection molding machine side of the gate sleeve for the static mold, the static mold generally has a gate sleeve, board, template composition,
Any product has the quality of the high and low points, a set of plastic moulds, some factories can only produce some low quality moulds, but some factories can make high quality plastic moulds. Then where are their differences? How is a good set of