Bai Shui Chao
Telephones: 13962423309
Mark Yen
Telephones: 17312472090
Add: No.218 South Yucheng Road Kunshan City Jiangsu Province China.
In the injection processing plant, there are many new techniques for injection molding, and the cause of the weld marks in the injection processing. The weld marks of the plastic products are produced by the failure to complete the fusion of the mel
When we buy injection molded parts, we sometimes encounter peculiar smell, which has a great influence on the health of users. Then, how do we avoid odor when we are doing injection molding? Here we are simply to understand. 1, strictly control the
Nowadays, the application of injection molded parts is quite extensive, and more and more enterprises are engaged in injection molding. In our process of injection molding, we often need to pay attention to the hardening rate of injection molded par